I arrived back in Tokyo from the US yesterday afternoon to a mushi atsui (humid and hot) day. Heat and humidity are definitely not my favorite things, but it is always good to be home. The flight was one of the better ones on Continental and as I say that I am asking myself why??? I think it was the fact that I got a window seat on the bulkhead (extra legroom) and no one was in the middle seat. That has to be the reason, because the food in Continental economy class is awful and the same on every flight no matter which direction you are traveling, the video choice is awful and yesterday they ran out of water on the plane, you couldn’t even wash your hands. How does that happen???? They must have forgotten to tank up in Houston or had a leak somewhere because the flight wasn’t even full.
It is my inclination to just become a hermit and stay in my house for the rest of the month, but my friend Michelle has other plans and I always have fun when I go anywhere with her. She has more energy than any woman I’ve ever known who is 7 months pregnant. (Yes, my friends are often much younger than I am). So barring incapacitating jet lag I am going to the 100 yen store at Funabashi with her tomorrow. On Tuesday I’ll try out the Japanese calligraphy class she goes to and on Wednesday we are going to Ikea and Costco. Thursday will be my day to rejuvenate with a trip to the hair salon and then on Friday Rick has tickets to a baseball game in the Tokyo Dome. Baseball is a huge sport in Japan and I often stop and watch a game for awhile at the field down the street. So, the week is full…
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