
Lately, it seems that I am treading water and just barely holding my head above the surface.  It has been a busy month and I have yet to get a study and preparation routine down for seminary.  I love the students in my class and have come to realize what a great effort it is on their part to be there everyday at 6 am.  They are so tired.  I am usually tired too, but I usually have the option for a nap and they do not.  The simple fact that they are there speaks to their faith and their desire to do right.

DSC00777.JPGKristina returned home last Tuesday and promptly made preparations to move to a new apartment with some girls in her ward.  Alex will stay in Japan until Thanksgiving when he will travel with us to London.  He’ll leave from there for Texas and I will return to teach two weeks of seminary before heading across the Pacific and to Texas for the Christmas holidays.  I will be back in London for the New Year and will stay until the middle of the month to play, help and get to know Isabelle.  I am always wishing for my normal life to return, but realize that life has never been normal (what is normal anyway?).  This is my normal life and I am actually getting used to it.  I am just grateful that I have the opportunity to see my children so often when I live so far away.  I love life and my family!!!


  1. Ruth

    Sounds like life there is just as busy as life here. with the holidays coming quickly i guess things will only speed up. take those naps you can because i would love to take a few so i can live through yours 🙂

  2. chloe

    You have a new class now??? I hope you didn’t forget your old class!!! By the way, I still use the handy dandy black notebook you gave us, it’s lasted an apostle’s visit, and quite a few conference sessions :). I mailed your gmail account for a quick update and hi. Hope you’re having fun in Japan! I miss you here!

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