
2007_March_Utah_110.jpgOne thing the Japanese are very proud of is that their country has four seasons. I think that some of them actually believe that Japan is the only place in the world that does. Japanese friends have looked at me in disbelief when I have tried to explain that Utah, where I grew up, has four seasons,too. The Japanese people love nature and observing the changing of the seasons and it is fun to take part. This past weekend, the sakura, cherry blossoms, were in full bloom. The sakura is considered the national flower of Japan. There are over 400 varieties of cherry trees in Japan. Japanese 2007_March_Utah_117.jpgsakura do not yield fruit like other cherry trees. Hanami (cherry blossom viewing) has come to represent gathering under the sakura trees with friends and celebrating the beauty of the blossoms at their transient peak. First, a tarp is spread on the ground to mark a group’s territory. Often, low tables and cushions are brought in. The party goers sit under the cherry blossoms to eat and drink sake and beer.

Most of Tokyo’s residents were out viewing the cherry blossoms on Saturday. I didn’t arrive back in Japan, from the US, until after dark Saturday night. I had hoped to get out for a walk Sunday, but it rained Sunday and Monday. Today, I was finally able to walk to my favorite place to view cherry2007_March_Utah_115.jpg blossoms, Aoyama Cemetery. I like Aoyama because the trees line both sides of the main street and form a beautiful canopy to stroll under. It’s peaceful and less crowded than other locations making it easier to snap a photo without a thousand people in it. So you see, once again I blog about the seasons.


  1. James

    Cool pictures!! It was good to see you in Utah when we were there, and just think you get to come back again fairly soon 🙂 (love those long flights)

  2. marisa

    It looks amazingly beautiful!!!

  3. Lara

    It is so fun to see your blog!! I love it! And the cherry blossoms are just gorgeous! I wish that we could just jet over there and visit for a while! It has been fun reading about your adventures and peeking at Alex’s blog. He has turned into such a wonderful young man! I almost didn’t recognize him! We sure do miss you and love seeing what is happening with you two! It seems like you are enjoying your time there very much…as always! Say hi to everyone for us! And we’ll be sure to check in often! Love ya, Lara

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