
Today we finally had a project to aid the earthquake victims that we could help with.  Yesterday we took the train to the Mushashino Stake Center in Kichijoji and helped put together 4,000 hygiene kits that are going to be sent to Sendai asap. It was great working with the Japanese members from that stake. There are a few that I know and I was glad to see Rie Takanazawa. I hadn’t seen her since the earthquake. We had a few members of our district in attendance and our good friends in our branch, the Scoffields.

We started by folding in towels and then just jumped on the lines where they needed us.

I loved watching the children who were working as hard as the adults.

This little girl was about 3 years old. She worked tirelessly for over 2 hours emptying the toothbrush packages from their boxes so they could be put in the kits. She would empty the toothbrushes and then flatten the box to be recycled. She was so darling.


  1. Kristina Brown

    I am so glad that you all are doing well, and I am glad to hear that you were able to join in the humanitarian efforts. Miss you, love you!

  2. dee

    Tiana served in Kichioji on her mission if my memory serves me well! What a nice opportunity to be able to help in the relief efforts. I am afraid the best we can do here is to donate to the humanitarian fund. It is nice you and the Scoffields could help out. AWESOME!

  3. Nicole

    AMAZING! I am so proud of who you both are. I think you are wonderful!
    We love you and you are all in are prayers!
    Nicole, Cody & Family

  4. Alex Carruth

    Glad to see you got to help. That must feel great!



  5. Vicki

    So glad to read this and the previous post and hear your thoughts and know you are well. My little brother got back about 6 months ago from the Sendai mission so this hit closer to home for our family. So great to see pictures of even 3 year olds in action to help their brothers and sisters.

  6. dee

    I sent this section of your blog to Tiana. I was wrong about her serving in Kichioji, and you may have realized it when you read my note, but the mission home was here so that’s why it sounded so familiar to me.
    She loved your pictures and that you’re helping out. She especially loved the Japanese way of breaking things down (the little girl with the toothbrushes).

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