Today we received the date when sweet baby John will be Rorey’s brother, legally. Hooray for such good news! We love this baby boy and his darling sister. I am so grateful for blessings that come from prayer.
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Tonight we had two sisters and four elders at our house for dinner. I am so grateful for their faith, diligence, obedience, youth and wonderful attitudes.
I am grateful that I am blessed to live in Tokyo.
Nippori is famous for being Tokyo’s Textile or Fabric Town. Today I went back for what I thought was the last time. I bought fabric and batting to finish up some quilts for those who continue to suffer because of the earthquake in March. Then we got the email from our friend Yayoi and all I want to do is quilt. There are people in temporary housing sitting on cold floors. It is cold here but I can only imagine how much colder it is there. I may be quilting until they make me pack up my sewing machine! I am grateful that my grandmother and mother taught me to sew.
One of the things I love about winter is eating soup. Lately, my favorite has been minestrone. You can find my favorite recipe here. I am grateful for soup…
I am grateful for winter. I know Rick doesn’t enjoy the cold weather, but I do. My favorite time of year is anything but July and August. I do love bundling up in sweaters, hats, gloves and scarves. I love wearing my long black wool coat and boots. Most of all I love sleeping under our down filled comforter. Will I ever use a down filled comforter in Texas?
Today was a Kingwood reunion in Tokyo. Since I moved here in July of 2006 Jo Scoffield moved here and most recently Carolann Naugle arrived last May. On Saturday Dee Jones arrived to spend the week. Today we all got together and went to the Setagaya Borichi, the oldest and largest flea market held in Japan. It was a cold day, but we really had a good day and definitely made some memories. I am grateful for good friends.
Today Rick was the high council speaker in our branch. He spoke about Elder Bednar’s talk from October conference and challenged the youth in our branch to get their own LDS accounts today and to see what work they can do on their family history. The ward clerk reported that he was incredibly busy giving out membership numbers to the youth. Many fan charts were have been created at create fan. Youth and adults are busy turning their hearts. I came home and went all through of my pedigree chart looking for work that I can do and found three things to begin with. I also created my fan chart that shows 9 generations. I was surprised to see a few family lines that went out to the 9th generation.
I am so grateful for husband who desires to be an instrument in Heavenly Father’s hands and in so doing is able to inspire others to action.