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Photographing Friends

I have many young friends who are photographers and I am grateful that they are always so willing to let me borrow photographs to use in my blog headers. The image of candy canes that was up last month was from Shannon who is photographing her way through London while she and her family live there for the second time. The current photo of “Frost Feathers” was taken by my friend who lives on a farm in Washington. Thanks for sharing!



I am so grateful for Skype it is my main way to stay connected to my family. Today I talked to Andrew and my niece, Nicole, and her family. So Fun!


Today I purchased another origami book to replace the last one I gave away. I have purchased a few since I have lived here hoping to learn to make some simple things so I can entertain my grandchildren, but I always end up giving them away. After I paid for the book and two packs of origami paper the shop owner gave me my change and handed me the tiniest origami box I have ever see. It is barely 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch and the amazing thing is that it has a separate top and bottom. I could actually place a tiny object in it. I am grateful for unexpected gifts and kindnesses that cause me to smile all day long.

Close up of the tiny box

The candy dish I folded with the tiny box

Bottom of the tiny box

Cupcakes Forever

This week I have been preparing to help the YW in our branch learn to decorate cupcakes. Unfortunately, I was didn’t get any photos. Here’s one of the Snicker’s cupcakes I made to demonstrate (chocolate cupcake, caramel frosting, chocolate frosting topped with chopped Snicker’s pieces). You can find the template for the cupcake wrap here.

I love doing anything with the youth of the church! I am grateful for them and their faith and energy. It revitalizes me!

The first of the lasts

There will be many last times in the next three months and they will come quickly and be gone before we know it. Today is the last time we will attend sumo. We have attended sumo over 14 times since arriving in Japan in 2006. We get tickets one day during each Tokyo Basho. I am grateful for this Japanese cultural experience.

Opening by Hakuho- the Yokozuna

Our Box Seats

The referees are always colorful

This meeting of the judges resulted in a rematch

Harumafuji- one of my favorites

The Yokozuna-Hakuho



January 7

Today I am grateful for refrigeration. I take many things for granted and my refrigerator is one of them. It’s always there and it always works. I cannot remember the last time my refrigerator broke down. Wait I think it was 1990. Today the orange juice tasted a little less cold so I checked the temperature inside the fridge and it was around 50 degrees F. The building manager told me that because of the holiday the soonest it will be repaired is Wednesday. He kindly left the door to a vacant apartment open so I can use that fridge until Wednesday.

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