I have never really had much time for family history. I always thought is was something old people did so they could perform LDS ordinances for those who had passed away. Well now I am old and I am interested in my ancestors, maybe because I hope someone will be interested in me. I think that it is natural as we age to hope that people will remember us when we are gone.
I have spent a lot of time over the past few months going through family photos and documents. I like the new and improved Family Search website and the ability to upload photos, stories and documents. The website is great and anyone can use it. You can login with an LDS account or if you don’t have one you can quickly set up an account. You don’t need to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to use this really great resource.
When I first experimented with uploading some photos I was surprised to discover that there were already some photos of my ancestors posted. It was fun to find photos of my father’s grandfather and great grandfather and see how much he looked like them.
I posted a story that my great grandmother wrote about her father. This has made me think about all the stories that are inside of me. I have been making notes each time I think of one so I won’t forget all the stories. Now, I just need to get busy and write them down.